Thursday, April 14, 2011

Berita Jackie Chan Meninggal = HOAX!

Lagi lagi, muncul kabar seleb dunia meninggal. Setelah isu Mick Jagger wafat, hari ini muncul kabar Jackie Chan meninggal yang dikabarkan terkena serangan jantung. Kabar ini lagi heboh-hebohnya di Twitter.
Setelah saya telusuri satu persatu terdapat sebuah situs yang memberitakan kematian aktor spesialis film action itu, yakni
Sekilas desain situs tersebut mirip dengan Yahoo News. Bahkan, pada bagian awal berita terdapat juga logo kantor berita internasional CNN.
Dalam berita yang disebutkan dalam situs tersebut, disebutkan bahwa Jackie wafat karena serangan jantung. Jackie yang sedang sibuk promosi film terbaru Kung Fu Panda 2 itu disebutkan mengalami stres berlebihan dan tekanan berat yang berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan jantungnya. Pada bagian berita turut pula disebutkan aktor Will Smith dan bahkan Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama turut menghaturkan belasungkawa.
Berikut isi dari berita palsu tersebut :
Los Angeles hospital has reported that Jackie Chan has passed away. The legendary Hong Kong actor who appeared in over 100 films died last night following a heart attack. He was promoting his most recent film, ‘Kung Fu Panda 2?. Doctors say his heavy schedule was causing extreme stress and putting too much pressure on his heart. Chan was scheduled to fly to Hong Kong today to begin shooting on his next film ’1911?.
The actors family has not yet issued a statement in regards to the passing of the truly remarkable actor who died at the young age of 56. Fans swarmed Facebook after confirmation of his passing came through a source close to Chan. A couple of celebrities have also posted their personal tributes through face book. Will Smith; “A remarkable actor, he will be forever missed and always in our hearts. RIP Jackie. x”
Even United States President Barack Obama laid down a personal tribute to the martial artist saying: “Jackie Chan is a man who can talk through talent, he is a constant reminder of the strength of humanity. He will forever be in our hearts, a true inspiration who inspired many generations. First it’s Nate Dogg then it’s Jackie Chan.”
MTV will be holding a special memorial for Chan on Friday
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Jadi intinya, berita mengenai Jackie Chan meninggal itu adalah tidak benar alias HOAX. Yang meninggal itu sebenarnya adalah ayah dari Jackie Chan.

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